Monitoring SQL Agent Jobs when you work for Mr Krabs

For those of you who don’t know who Mr. Krabs is, he is a character in the TV show Sponge Bob Square Pants. Mr. Krabs owns the Krusty Krab restaurant and is a very frugal business owner. Every decision he makes is driven completely on how it will impact his bottom line. Thinking about Mr. Krabs reminds me of one of my first SQL Server DBA jobs. I was starting just as the old DBA was leaving and there wasn’t a lot of time for turnover. [Read More]

Intro to SQL Server Automation with PowerShell

March 26th, 2015, a date which will live in infamy! Well, at least for me it will. March 26th, 2015 marks the date I gave my first presentation at my local SQL PASS user group meeting. Here is the picture as proof! I was very excited to be able to share some of my knowledge with everyone who showed up. I hope to be able to do it again some time. [Read More]

Gotcha! PowerShell Array Initialization, Difference between PowerShell 2.0 and 4.0

I like to initialize my arrays by strongly typing my variable as an array, and setting it to null. PowerShell doesn’t require strongly typed variables, so why would I want to do this? The primary reason is because it allows me to deal with an expected object type later in the code. For arrays it gives me access to a count property, which I don’t get with strings, int’s or other non-collection type objects. [Read More]

Using New-TimeSpan to convert friendly time

The question was this: This is just a quick/fast snippet in response to that question, but I can think of a ton of enhancements that could made. Hopefully it will be useful as a starting point for someone to customize for their own use. function Convert-FriendlyTime { param ( [string]$FriendlyTime ) $Converted = $FriendlyTime.Split(" ") switch ($Converted[1]) { "days" { $parms = @{"days"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "hours" { $parms = @{"hours"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "minutes" { $parms = @{"minutes"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "seconds" { $parms = @{"seconds"=$Converted[0]}; break ;} "default" { $parms = $null; break ;} } if ($parms) { New-TimeSpan @parms } else { Throw "Invalid unit of time '$FriendlyTime'. [Read More]

Configure SQL Server Agent using SMO

Saw this on twitter and thought I would throw it up on the blog. Easier than responding on twitter. [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null; $SQLServerInstance = "MSSQLSERVER" $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $SQLServerInstance $srv.JobServer.MaximumHistoryRows = 1002 $srv.JobServer.Alter() You can manipulate most if not all SQL Server configurations through SMO. This simple post has inspired me a bit. I think it would be useful to show how I came to find the information I needed to modify this setting. [Read More]

Who is cjsommer?

I’ve been a problem solver as far back as I can remember, always looking for a new challenge. I love staying current in technology, pushing the software to its limits, as well as finding its boundaries. For me there is satisfaction in knowing the answer to something because you have tried it out yourself. So a bit about me… I’ve worked with Unix, Windows, Informix, Oracle, SQL Server. I’ve worked in small shops. [Read More]

My Specialty

So I was reading the following blog post by Brent OzarĀ and I think it finally hit me right between the eyes. I think from a DBA perspective I would have to consider myself in the DevOPS realm, but more generally, I am an automation specialist. It’s what I truly love to do and where I shine. Whether it’s a simple information gathering exercise, or deploying database code, I enjoy automating it. [Read More]


My cheap and dirty PowerShell script for dumping the disk space usage for a Windows machine. It was originally some snippets I found on the Internet, which I threw into a script and made it my own. It uses a simple WMI call to return a set of objects for you to use as you see fit. Most of the time I just pipe it to Format-Table to see the output, but it could be used for other things. [Read More]