So I have a new home! Welcome to part deux!

Just wanted to put a quick post out there for the people who follow me. I very recently made a switch from Wordpress to Jekyll blogging platform and I am certain it will come with a few hiccups. At the moment I don’t have comments enabled, although I hope to add that feature this weekend. Also I do need to go through all of my posts and make sure images and code snippets all look how they’re supposed to. [Read More]

Ponderings of PASS Summit 2016

Summit 2013 in Charlotte, NC was my first and I remember it well. I went with 4 other people from my company but I was pretty new to the SQL PASS community (otherwise known as #sqlfamily). As a matter of fact I didn’t even know what #sqlfamily was at this point. I went to all of the PASS sponsored events like the welcome reception, the vendor party and yes the NASCAR party (which being a NASCAR fan was awesome). [Read More]

Who is cjsommer?

I’ve been a problem solver as far back as I can remember, always looking for a new challenge. I love staying current in technology, pushing the software to its limits, as well as finding its boundaries. For me there is satisfaction in knowing the answer to something because you have tried it out yourself. So a bit about me… I’ve worked with Unix, Windows, Informix, Oracle, SQL Server. I’ve worked in small shops. [Read More]

My Specialty

So I was reading the following blog post by Brent OzarĀ and I think it finally hit me right between the eyes. I think from a DBA perspective I would have to consider myself in the DevOPS realm, but more generally, I am an automation specialist. It’s what I truly love to do and where I shine. Whether it’s a simple information gathering exercise, or deploying database code, I enjoy automating it. [Read More]

Who is cjsommer?

SQL DBA problem solver extraordinaire!

I’ve been a problem solver as far back as I can remember, always looking for a new challenge. I love staying current in technology, pushing the software to its limits, as well as finding its boundaries. For me there is satisfaction in knowing the answer to something because you have tried it out yourself. So a bit about me… I’ve worked with Unix, Windows, Informix, Oracle, SQL Server. I’ve worked in small shops. [Read More]